
Bad Craziness at Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty Website

unrealizedviewpoint7/26/2009 1:50:03 pm PDT

re: #105 Racer X

I was at the post office yesterday and ran into a couple Lyndon LaRouche supporters out front. Posters with Obama with a Hitler mustache, pamphlets on how 9/11 was an inside job, etc.

I gave the deranged chick an earful before she asked me to leave. She didn’t like it when I explained to her that, yes, Obama is a fool, but you have to be careful on who you associate with. I told her she and her followers were making the rest of us look as nuts as they are, and I did not appreciate it.

What do you mean she asked you to leave? …the front of a US Post Office? …a place you have a right to be?