
Overnight Open Thread

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/25/2009 3:25:17 am PDT

Well, Zombie should be proud that his/her/its work is appreciated. WND is running more Holdren stories, this time by Corsi, who is using Zombie’s material without credit, of course.

In fact, Corsi goes one better than Zombie and links Holdren ↔ climate change control initiatives ↔ population control ↔ abortion.

From Corsi’s latest:


As WND previously reported, a worldwide scientific agenda is emerging to link global population growth with global warming, arguing that climate change is such a severe crisis that the U.S. must participate in a United Nations mandate to implement global birth control to reduce carbon emissions.

A series of papers recently published by the Royal Society in Great Britain and by the United Nations have directly made the link between global population growth and anthropomorphic [sic], or man-made global warming. […]

“anthropomorphic” - ha!