
The Proudly Ignorant Party

Joo-LiZ4/07/2010 1:55:31 pm PDT

Totally OT:

For anyone who saw the original SizeDoesn’tMatter advertisement, the campaign has come out with a new clip.

The SizeDoesn’tMatter campaign is an advocacy campaign in Canada run by the Canadian Federation of Jewish Students. The goal is to raise awareness about the country to the general college crowd. That “80%-90%” that pays no attention to the conflict and really knows nothing.

When the original video came out, there was quite a heated backlash against it because of the (quite overt) innuendo — comparing Israel to an undersized phallus. This video has toned it down quite a bit, and I think the other clip was taken down.

The campaign began the week before Israel “Apartheid” (two) Week(s) began, and was meant to peak curiosity about Israel before pro-Israel students ran their “You Can’t Play With The Truth” campaign that sought to counter the IAW propaganda.

Anyway…. lol, that’s a lot of exposition. I really just wanted to let you all know about the new video.
