
Rand Paul: Uh, I Meant 'Yes'

Nadnerb5/20/2010 11:21:08 am PDT

This has really spun me-how this guy is now a hero to certain people and is seen as the “white” shining hope. I saw Maddow interview him last night and I couldn’t believe how infuriating he is, dodging the question and rambling on and on like a nouveau Pat Buchanan, revising history like a garbled-brain fool. This guy is not a responsible pragmatist. He is a total reactionary who belongs in the pasture like ol Buchanan. AND to top it all off, he’s appeared on Alex Jones’ shithouse-rat radio show, completing the bowl of lunatic stew. The mainstreaming of Jones is very disturbing-we’ve seen his acolyte Judge Napolitano on Fox many, many times and I think he’s filled in for Glenn Beck.

I don’t care if they oppose Obama, I don’t want any part of the crazy. The lack of attention paid to this is appalling. Maddow should do a segment on Ron Paul/Rand Paul and their connections to 9/11 conspiracy theories, white supremacist organizations and other Alex Jones-type paranoia.

I’m renewing my drivers’ license soon and will be re-registering to vote as an independent (decline to state). Not that it matters, but I am sick of this shit.