
Video: Sacking the Hack Attack, the Wrap

bratwurst6/25/2010 4:59:12 pm PDT

Fareed Zakaria (aka the only possible reason anyone should bother with Newsweek) gamely attempts to educate NeoCons about Iran:

In May, the Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty was awarded to Akbar Ganji, one of the bravest advocates of nonviolent agitation and secular democracy for Iran. Ganji was jailed for six years in Evin Prison, mostly in solitary confinement, for his writings against the government. In his acceptance speech, Ganji explained that U.S. foreign policy does have an impact on Iran’s freedom movement but not quite in the sense that neoconservatives mean.

“Even entertaining the possibility of a military strike, especially when predicated on the nuclear issue,” Ganji said, “is beneficial to the fundamentalists who rule Iran. As such, the idea itself is detrimental to the democratic movement in my country.”