
Overnight Open Thread

Ward Cleaver4/03/2009 8:52:17 am PDT

re: #1148 taxfreekiller

Ward Clever

Some one from Dallas, try to find and post this deal.
Heard it early this morning in the feed truck on A.M. 570 KLIF Jeff Bolton’s show.

Some drunk, lost, in a Ferrari, thought he was in Mansfield, but was up near Sherman. Got the car high centered on a train track,, called 911.
The lady ask him questions on where he was, all he could tell her,
Trees, train track,,,, she told him sir, your not in Mansfield , your on Grayson County 911, then he told her,
“there is a train coming”
she said,,”what”
train coming
Sir are you still in the car.
Sir, get out of the car move away.
uh,,, OK

then,, some more crap on him being lost
Oh, shit,,,,

sir, are you ok?
ya, the train hit my car
and on the record
poor dumb ass sap

sorry but this one is funny as hell

I saw that on Channel 8 last night. They said the guy owned a repair shop, which made me wonder if maybe it was a customer’s car (uh oh!).