
Overnight Open Thread

Afrocity2/16/2009 8:56:04 am PST

re: #1177 VegasRick

Not just libs for me. When I was in Ireland, I felt like there was no racism. This is not true of course but as a visitor everyone was so friendly and I made a blunder. A guy called me “colored” and I gave him a look and asked him to refer to me as “Black” . He could not do it, he said that in Ireland that is considered an insult to refer to a person of African descent in that way. He told me he would do it to make me feel better. Whenever he said black, he would turn red so I apologized and asked him to say whatever makes him feel comfortable. I was the visitor in his country. Ireland was lovely. I think that was the one time in my life when I felt 100% happy.