
Reuters: Cropping of Photos Was 'Inadvertent'

Bagua6/07/2010 8:50:42 pm PDT

re: #1174 Nimed

Darth is saying that Thomas is old, so we should give her a break, etc. While I’m definitely not with Darth in this, it’s pretty obvious he is not approving Helen Thomas’ statements.

Approve of and make light of are very different things. Please maintain stable goal posts. Coming from a person who fiercely denounces things he disapproves of, making light of Thomas’s outrageous statement is quite a statement itself.

To use your example, someone could “defend” the racist comment “Blacks should go back to Africa” by claiming that it was said by an old, senile Southern geezer who doesn’t know any better and is being sufficiently punished for it anyway, so we should give him a break. I would vehemently disagree, but I wouldn’t infer approval from the person who presented this “defense”.

Why “Southern”? Lol.

Also, if that “senile Southern geezer” was a reporter of the status and standing the Thomas had, then I highly doubt she would get a, nothing to see here, pass from you.

Also, the issue is not approval. Let’s stay focused, it is making light of, dismissing as unimportant. Just as he has, coincidentally, dismissed the LGF exposure of the Reuters Fautography as no big deal. Posting videos of a cat burping and farting twice to show his opinion on the topic.