
Incredible Image of Saturn Backlit by the Sun

ericblair11/13/2013 6:25:44 am PST

re: #105 Mattand

Appreciate the feedback, but it’s still a shitty analogy. Not all atheists are perfect, but to say they would maliciously create the damage and suffering that the Tea Party has done to the budget? Fuck that.

The comment got under my skin because Stewart has played the “the atheists are no different than the religious” card before. Throwing in the word ‘nihilism’ didn’t help.

Yes, it is a shitty analogy. I’m an atheist, and I don’t believe God exists, but I’m pretty sure the Catholic Church exists. And if you had a whole College of Cardinals who ran the Church assuming that God had no importance, it would hardly be the first time in history that that happened.

Did he honestly equate atheism with nihilism? Because I’m pretty sure we’re not the guys who couldn’t give a shit what happens to the Earth because it’s all going to end Any Day Now.