
Just Some More Overt Racism and Hate Speech at Breitbart "News"

Dr Lizardo12/06/2013 2:23:46 pm PST

re: #112 CuriousLurker

Thanks. I’m trying really hard to avoid the racism that the internet is vomiting up today, but I’m not having much luck.

I guess it’s time to shut it down for a while. Over & out.

Yeah…..the racism is sickening. But I say, let them shriek and squeal. Theirs is the past, the old world. They are dinosaurs, hopelessly obsolete and unwilling or incapable of adaptation to the realities of the world.

Let them talk themselves into oblivion - it is of no consequence to me. The world 100 years from now will be so unrecognizable it will be as though they’d never existed. They’re shouting into the wind - they’re trying to stop history, and in that endeavor, they will fail utterly.

The future does not belong to them. And they know it.