
Your "True Detective" Finale Open Thread

chadu3/09/2014 9:26:46 pm PDT

re: #89 William Barnett-Lewis

I’m taking the Coursera Human Evolution course (week 7 of 8) and it’s a solid 100 ~ 200 (~ maybe 300 in places) level college course. Reasonably challenging for a bright undergrad without too much previous exposure to the topic. Still we have crap like the “Aquatic Ape” theory come up in the class forums. Even people who are reasonably well educated can still fall for the silliest shit imaginable.

Awww, Aquatic Ape is fun, though.

Anyone have a good refutation of it, by the way?

I’ve only been exposed to the theory itself, and would like a point-by-point analysis of it, other than “you have no idea of the amount of time it would take for this to work evolutionarily, this is pretty bollocks anyway, and have you met my friend Lamarck?”