
Torture: Not Only Was It Evil and Immoral, It Didn't Work

lawhawk12/09/2014 12:54:51 pm PST

Right, because the GOP never buried bad news ever. I can’t think back more than two weeks ago to when they dumped a report clearing the Administration over Benghazi on the Friday before Thanksgiving (and when everyone was focused on the grand jury in Ferguson dropping their result).

But if you want to stick with the details of what they’re claiming about with the ACA and Gruber, then you’d have to ignore the months of reporting about intricate provisions of the law, line by line dissection in group efforts, the CBO scoring of the bills - including taxes (revenues) and spending (including subsidies) going forward, and that there were tax consequences to the provisions (which even the Supreme Court noted in upholding the law on the federal government’s tax power grounds).

We’d also have to ignore that Gruber’s background included formulating the MassCare RomneyCare plan that then GOP candidate for President ran against but couldn’t honestly explain his opposition to health care using the same ideals - individual responsibility (via the mandate) , which the GOP had been pushing for years.

Now, when there’s personal responsibility and that penalties are imposed to try and shift behavior, the GOP complains.

Now, when the Senate releases the report about the CIA misleading everyone about what it was doing, its’ the GOP and right wing who are trying to divert attention from the serious problems with our intel gathering agencies, and on to a problem that isn’t a problem - a single policy wonk who spoke his mind and called people idiots because they don’t care to understand how the law works and that politics is ugly when you look under the hood.