
John Oliver Smashes the Final Taboo: How Is Daylight Saving Time Still a Thing?

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)3/09/2015 3:45:57 pm PDT

I hated my brother for years. I really think moving to adulthood helped us. He’s still a little obnoxious- borrows people’s crap without permission and he can come off a little self-righteous but he’s matured a lot and I’ll grant that I had to grow up too. But where I’m most proud of him is seeing him as both a father and husband and also now as a student. He’s really researching hard the program he wants to get into and I laud him for wanting to find a field that will both interest him and allow him to give him and his family a nice life. We had a good laugh last night. Me, him, his wife, and our other brother were looking through an old yearbook and he noticed my doodles on him and his friends and wanted to know what was up with that. It’s funny to see aspects of the boy I hated but I adore in his little girl. Can’t believe she’s going to be one on Friday.