
Will Texas Become a Giant Bundy Ranch?

Lidane5/12/2015 9:45:46 am PDT

The Republican party have won a pyrrhic victory here in Texas.

Yes, they run the state. Yes, they have a majority lock on the state legislature and on our Congressional legislature. Yes, the GOP keeps winning this state for the Presidential races. But all that success has come with a huge price that the national GOP doesn’t realize they’re going to have to pay.

In order to win elections, the GOP needs one thing: angry white people. Here in Texas, they have managed to carve out a whole lot of districts for themselves on the state level that are full of angry white people and have very little in the way of minority representation, if they even have minority voters at all. That means the GOP don’t suffer any electoral blowback if they let their freak flag fly and piss off minority voters at will. Why bother holding back if you’re not going to be held accountable for it at the polls?

This means they can pander on Jade Helm. They can talk about land mines on the border, and sniper towers. They can say the most outrageous, paranoid bullshit and it won’t have any effect on their political life.

Republicans spend all their time at the Congressional level actively pissing off minority voters, and pandering to just enough conservative voters to win state offices, and they win. But they win at the expense of the GOP’s image with minority voters, then they wonder why they can’t get out of the single digits on the national level.

It’s almost like these morons don’t understand that actions have consequences. And those consequences are coming home to roost on Jade Helm. If Cletus T. Yokel takes up arms against the Special Forces because Obama, it won’t be the President’s fault. It will be because the GOP have created a negative feedback loop. Yes. that kind of pandering horseshit wins elections, but people also take it seriously and the Republicans are finding that out the hard way.