
Monday Night Acoustic Funk: Calum Graham, "Whiskey Sunrise"

Shropshire Slasher10/17/2017 8:03:06 am PDT

Cell phones are killing us.

Over the past two years, after decades of declining deaths on the road, U.S. traffic fatalities surged by 14.4 percent. In 2016 alone, more than 100 people died every day in or near vehicles in America

Finally, the increase in fatalities has been largely among bicyclists, motorcyclists, and pedestrians—all of whom are easier to miss from the driver’s seat than, say, a 4,000-pound SUV—especially if you’re glancing up from your phone rather than concentrating on the road. Last year, 5,987 pedestrians were killed by cars in the U.S., almost 1,100 more than in 2014—that’s a 22 percent increase in just two years.

It has been particularly brutal in road construction, I have had several people blowing by my flaggers, even after the the four signs warning them. They usually stop once the flagger uses her air horn to warn the laborers. They certainly don’t hesitate to call my office to complain about sitting in traffic.