
A Christmas Film Featuring the Three Wise Men - Moe, Larry, and Curly: "Back From the Front"

A Mom Anon12/26/2021 8:29:26 am PST

re: #101 Belafon

Just as we’ve seen lots of kids lose their parents and homes to this virus and it’s variants, it’s going to end up with hospital bills causing financial ruin and the loss of family homes. We don’t hear about this, because outlets like the NYT keeps focusing on the idiots among us who don’t give a fuck about their actions and how they effect others. This isn’t a new problem in America, but I would like to see how many families of the dead are now a mess financially, a mess that they likely won’t ever recover from. So many of us were already on the edge before this happened, how many more will find themselves there as each year of this passes? Insurance companies are in existence to turn a profit, no way are they covering every dime. Unless you have some seriously gold plated health insurance, which is only affordable to rich people or people with generous employers.

I saw something earlier about how there’s not a nursing shortage, we have lots of trained nurses, they just quit because of threats, their cars being vandalized at work, being physically assaulted, stalked, worked to exhaustion and so on. There is no extra protection for them because hospital companies don’t want to fork over money for extra security. How true this is, I have no idea.I’m sure it varies from place to place. I know many healthcare workers have died from Covid-19, but I wonder what the numbers are vs the actual numbers needed to keep hospitals and medical practices running.

As much as I would love to see hospitals and doctors refuse to treat these assholes when they end up sick, I know that kicks a door open that can be used for other diseases, accidents and other reasons humans end up in hospitals. It’s hard enough to navigate this system as it is. And having to sort through all this when you are sick and not able to advocate for yourself is just mean and cruel. The whole system is based more on money than care and it has to change or it will get worse.