
Seth Meyers: Trump Distances Himself From Sidney Powell Amid Another Surprise Guilty Plea in GA

Targetpractice10/23/2023 10:15:49 pm PDT

re: #116 William Lewis

That’s because Elmo the Boi Nazi is much more Pinky than the Brain… 😉

Elmo is one of those people who styles themselves as an “ideas guy.” You know the kind, the one who feels they have value because they “think outside the box” or have an “open mind” when really they just belch out whatever comes to mind like somebody with indigestion belching up bile. The ones who come from either rich or at least upper-middle class backgrounds who “make their fortune” by blowing their parents money on a hunch, then use that money to pay other people to make their “ideas” into workable reality. And also the ones who are a headache to lawyers because they view the law and the enforcement there of as yet another tool to bully others.