
Huckabee on Hannity: The Stimulus Bill Persecutes Christians

TedStriker2/13/2009 6:27:59 pm PST

re: #75 Charles

Gov. Jindal gets GOP response slot to Obama’s Feb. 24 Congress speech.

Jindal has the smarts and the political inclinations to have been someone the GOP could have used as a standard bearer, but he torpedoed that in our minds because of his propensity to bring his religious views into his public policy decisions (such as the ID bill). At this point, I still trust Palin more than Jindal to keep their religious beliefs out of their policy decisions and I hope she can get some more positive national exposure in the next couple of years to counter the MSM smear job that was done to her during the last campaign.

Huckabee is still just a huckster…