
We Got Mail! (And the Door Opens) - Update: The Door Closes

subsailor682/16/2009 9:21:49 am PST

re: #90 thedopefishlives

Car sales worldwide are down. I work at a company that supports the auto industry, among others; we just suffered a round of layoffs because the automobile industry, both at home and abroad, has taken a massive downturn, and there is no foreseeable end to the madness. There’s some bad crazy floating around out there in industrial America, for sure.

Man, I sure hope things turn around for you soon, but I hear where you’re coming from. I have a three year old CTS, and there are a lot of them out there. If folks in your industry (assuming parts production or other support is in your area of expertise) aren’t there to support our products, we’re all screwed.

I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you!