
Video: Gregg Says Obama Will Bankrupt America

Erik The Red3/22/2009 11:52:52 am PDT

re: #100 zombie

I still think this remains my all-time favorite Mo email that I ever received:


“From: Saber K. (France)

You are really funny with your democracy you sun of whores

As you want to spread your democracy over the world

can you start talking about the jews religion and all it’s sublime teaching have you ever had a look what the jews are beleiving, you will not have the courage sun of bitch!

Can you start talking about the jews holocauste and how the jews refused to get out from german after a hitler proposal and accepted to be killed in order to make the whole world guilty and give them palestine

Show all this the world your democracy and free speech you are enjoying, the jews will kick your ass son of pig

Are you able to seach and discuss why the the sattelites in the orbists in the scandinavian countries have a jews name ! Can you show this reality to all the world son of bitch, son of pig

You know what you are doing of course, these are orders from the grand lodges !

The jews are known by their hypocracy and hate towards all faith and they use their monopoly in europe and the world to transmit these stupidities

Can you show to your reader why the american (sorry) (the masons controlling america) in the world war 2 selected NAGAZAKI in japan to kill hundred of thousand of innocent people, it’s not because they have gun factories there, but IT’S THE BIGGEST AND BOOMING CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY IN ASIA …this what the jews wanted

Can you show all this to your readers,,,,,,,,,, hola democracy! “

Do these fuckwits not have spell check?