
Overnight Open Thread

Karridine6/01/2009 12:45:40 am PDT

re: #72 Fenway_Nation

Fenway, you use the term as an abstract, a class-label of sorts, but I had a couple of true hippy-dippy rock-boxers bring their 5-day old to my clinic, asking “Why is he crying?”

I immediately realized they weren’t the sharpest tools in the shed, because the stink from newborn’s UNCHANGED DIAPER was eye-watering, and IF they’d noticed it, they’d written it off as ‘natural’…

So I took the offending diaper off, and the poor babe had a red, swollen rash from belly-button to top of his sacrum, and he was in pain.

Long story short, I told them the reality of urine breaking down NATURALLY to urea and uric ACID, which burns baby’s skin NATURALLY, and you’ve GOT TO bathe him (which I did, and had them do) EVERY DAY, twice is okay some days, and then you POWDER HIM and use a CLEAN DIAPER, EVERY TIME…

Red Diaper Baby stands out in MY mind, I’ll tell you, Fenway