
Iran's Manhattan Project Rushing Ahead

lawhawk9/29/2009 9:50:51 am PDT

re: #107 Kosh’s Shadow

The Iranians benefited greatly from the AQ Khan network. They got details on the P-2 centrifuges, which the Iranians worked into their IR-2 centrifuges. That’s in addition to the P1/IR1 centrifuges that have been in operation at Natanz for some time.

The Iranians also benefited from the Pakistani warhead designs and from North Korean missile technologies. They’ve gotten crib sheets on how to build the entire weapons supply chain - from processing to warhead. That’s why it’s only a matter of time before they have a functioning nuclear weapon and IRBMs to send them against all of Iran’s enemies (and they are a multitude - from the Europeans to Israel to the Sunni majority nations around the region).