
Louisiana Education Board Considers Sneaking Creationism Into Schools

Scottish Dragon1/05/2010 3:46:59 pm PST

re: #114 avanti

Going to see Avatar this weekend and was scanning the Yahoo user reviews and did not know it was a government sponsored movie./

“New World Order Propaganda :(
by Bud (movies profile) Dec 20, 2009
21 of 42 people found this review helpful

To bad such a beautiful film had to be nothing more than Government sponsored infomercial for the evils of industrialized society. I guess I am supposed to feel guilty about being an american instead of some tribal member in the wilderness. Well, when they fully de-industrialize the USA and we are living completely off the Government Welfare System, the next thing we can expect is the population control program that will kill off 80% of us commoners (another common theme in Hollywood these days). I am tired of all the big movies for the past few years being complete garbage with all the globalist (One World Government) slants. People dont drink the Kool-Aid and do some research about why Hollywood is showing you visually stuning movies that go entirely against everything The United States of Amercia was founded on (the Constitution).”

Oh fer crying out loud. Want some cheese with your whine?

If you think that any corporation has your best interests even remotely in mind…then I want some of what you are smoking. In any event, right wing victim complaints are just as boring as left wing blather.
