
Overnight Open Thread

keloyd4/05/2010 5:44:29 am PDT

CNN is making me feel all stabby. These medical activists are all moaning (and all agreeing with each other, no debate at all) about how we need to protect grown, able-bodied adults from prescription drugs. I don’t mean it’s just a bad idea to die like Michael Jackson, but that the government needs to be involved, overseeing everyone at all times, for our safety. Doctors cannot be trusted to prescribe meds for patients without some benevolent overseer, for our safety. Then they went on and on about all the 27 year old actors who are “victims”.

(Adjusting my best, foil lined Hamburg Libertarian hat) imho there’s no such thing as an able bodied 27 year old grown man who needs protection from the goverment. If some hollywood millionaire wants to kill himself slowly, that’s very sad, but not the government’s problem. “Freedom” means letting other adults be stupid.