
NYT: Gaza Through Fresh Eyes

Bagua6/14/2010 12:57:45 pm PDT

re: #92 albusteve

well the Iranians are on the way to Gaza…fortunately they are too hasty to bring 25 ships at once…that along with a half million Lebanese swarming against the northern border…a stepped up missile lobbing campaign by Hamas, threats from the Syrians to declare a war of liberation…etc…could be worse

Peace Jihad

This is an escalation of the Intifada strategy. First to create the situation where Israeli soldiers have to fight using only riot control techniques, any use of firearms, even when attacked with metal pipes, rocks or knives will result in condemnation by the international community. Then these infiltration techniques mount, become a swarm, combined with an intifada type uprising in Israel.

As we saw with the Aid Boat Jihad, 15 Israelis armed with non-lethal weapons can not control 50 peace activists attacking them with metal pipes, knives, stun grenades, Molotov cocktails, bottles, and guns. The Israelis will be have no choice but to use deadly force. The international community, especially the EU, UN and the media, will howl and demonise Israel on cue.

These peace Jihadis are not marching on Israel in order to put flowers in their guns, they are not interested in equal rights, they intend to slit the Jews throats and beat them to death. Eventually. That is the goal in stages. But first the Israelis must be harried, terrorised, demonised, weakened and exhausted on all fronts, political, financial and military.

With all this pressure to delegitimise and harass Israel from all sides. How can they focus their military to fend off missiles and mortars from Hezbollah and Hamas, with their patrons Syria and Iran looming with still greater threats.

The Israeli military, intelligence and government will be too preoccupied with the swarming peace Jihad and answering all the blood libels.

The vile international community and media will be too occupied with fabrications of Israeli war crimes each time the Israelis use minimum force to ward off a beating, knifing, abduction, missile, rocket and mortar attack.

How can a tiny country the size of New Jersey with a Jewish population about half the population of New York City survive against an endless Jihad on all fronts, military media, and political?