
Video: Fox News vs. the President

Renaissance_Man2/06/2011 8:12:46 pm PST

re: #104 wozzablog

It would also free a helluva lot of people trapped in plans they can’t afford to spend some of that money on tangible goods and services.

The health outcomes of the American system which spends a third more as a whole than the conglomeration of western democracies of aggregated populations are actually worse. Administration costs - particularly at the private insurers are massively inflated taking money away from patient care which doesn’t happen in the not for profit/social insurance or flat out Govt Run plans world wide.

The reality is so apparent that the real question is no longer how to improve the US health care system, but this: what problems exist in the US political system that prevent its government from taking actions that save money and benefit the people and the nation? How has the US political system been allowed to so egregiously fail its constituency?