
Video: Obama Speaks on GOP Vote Against Background Checks

Kragar4/17/2013 2:58:06 pm PDT


Erik Rush: I was being sarcastic when I said to kill all Muslims

Rush told WND he received some hostile tweets following his initial speculation about the identity of the bomber.

“This was speculation, which everyone is doing,” Rush said. “That’s when the tweets started: ‘You’re blaming Muslims already? You scumbag!’

“After several of those, that’s when I was like, ‘Yeah, that’s right, they’re evil. Kill ‘em all.’

“And that’s all they needed.”

Rush said RightWingWatch and the Huffington Post ran stories about his comments, suggesting Rush actually wanted to kill Muslims.

“I was being sarcastic,” he said. “It was promoted, or covered, by RightWingWatch and Huffington Post as if I had said it and meant it – which is what they do. Then all hell broke loose.”