
CNET Updates Article, Continues to Make False Claims

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸6/16/2013 1:02:49 pm PDT

Freepers Today

the cognitive dissonance that is splitting the GOP in action

After watching former Vice President Dick Cheney I’m very disappointed.

He defended the NSA Surveillance Program by saying he started it in 2004.

But what Cheney fails to realize is.. he and George W. Bush are NOT in office anymore.

Whatever the program was, when he was in charge has been CHANGED and EXPANDED.

Obama is now in charge and Cheney is out of the national security loop. How can he defend this program?

I love Dick Cheney but this is beyond the pale!

Plus he’s also advocating intervention in Syria and saying “John McCain has it about right?”



The big revelation — and some people are a little slow in coming to this — is that the Political Establishment is the Political Establishment.

There is no “Democrat”.
There is no “Republican”.
There is no “Hard Left”.
There is no “Hard Right”.

Of course, not everyone gets along, and Cheney may not really like Obama, or Boehner, or whomever — but Cheney believes that Washington should run your life. Bush believes that. McCain believes that. Obama believes that. Valerie Jarrett believes that.

There is a reasonable chance that Sarah Palin does not believe that — which is probably why the entire political class zipped into overdrive to make sure that she had no role in national government at all. They crushed her double-quick.

Because the Political Establishment want to control your entire life. You are not allowed to rise to the top (and Cheney was at the top for decades) unless you think that way.


People don’t remember, Cheney was never a conservative, throughout his career. he always worked for “liberals.”

He worked for Nixon, then he was Chief of Staff for Ford. Then he was Secretary of Defense for Bush 41. If you worked for those people, you probably hate conservatives.