
Climate Scientist Prevails in First Round of Defamation Suit Against Right Wing Bloggers

elizajane7/24/2013 5:58:15 pm PDT

OK, so here is the top comment to that Rich Lowry article at NRO:

The global warming conspiracy needs to be put in perspective to be properly understood. This far-left attack by government-paid drones started in the 1970′s with the global cooling scam: we should disarm our nuclear bombers and fill them with soot to be spread over the poles and so prevent those new glaciers from descending south and crushing the New York skyscrapers to dust. When that did not work the same fakers invented the global warming hoax in the 1990′s; we should nationalize all industries and organize a UN-sponsored world socialist government based on “social justice” with the fakers in charge. What with 12 years of substantial cooling the fakers switched to the climate change flimflam in the 2000′s; so whatever happens we should…see above under the global warming hoax. And now we are faced with the cap & trade power grab - but the aim is the same as above. Our socialists, Marxists, communists, Hollywood stars, university professors in social and political “sciences”, and environmentalists are all clamoring for action while spurring President Obama (“Tomorrow the oceans will stop rising and the planet will start healing”) and his 35 czars/commissars to undertake immediate measures to save the planet - with the same aims as described above.
It is evident from the above quote that our President believes himself to be either Jesus come back to Earth, or at least the 12th Imam so ardently desired by that jihadist terrorist Ahmadinejad. …see above under the global warming hoax. And now we are faced with the cap & trade power grab - but the aim is the same as above. Our socialists, Marxists, communists, Hollywood stars, university professors in social and political “sciences”, and environmentalists (i.e., eco-Nazis) are all clamoring for action while spurring President Obama (“Tomorrow the oceans will stop rising and the planet will start healing”) and his 35 czars/commissars to undertake immediate measures to save the planet - with the same aims as described above. Like to the Pinocchio in the fable, Obama’s nose grows longer with every lie he pronounces, while jumping up the steps to his teleprompter like a marionette.

The author signs himself Marc Jeric and assures us that he has a PhD in engineering from UCLA. I assume that he can build bridges or computers really well, but he is clearly not a climate scientist. What he is, however, is a leading member of Patriot Action Network.

To this has the once mighty (or at least, debate-worthy) National Review fallen.