
Stop playing games

francis9/28/2013 12:00:43 pm PDT

re: #1 jamesfirecat

James, everyone should have insurance and everyone should pay something just like they do for a drivers license. I object to the special classes, wavers, and technical problems with the bill. The ACA was passed on Dec. 24th after they stopped a filibuster. There should have been more investigation and congress did a terrible job with that. It was all political and no substance.

He has a good option, have the republicans agree to the results of a medical panel that will resolve the issues with the ACA, not the insurance companies or the medical suppliers of the drug manufactures. The Cleveland Clinic, which Obama praise, is a good example of an efficient medical establishment, but because of cuts to Medicare they will have to cut 330 million from their budget and that means people losing their jobs.

He should take the best of Medicare and the successful hospital organizations and work from there. He has options and so does congress.

The last say on medical care should be the doctors and not the government. The final say should come from the patient or family if the patient isn’t able.

The market is a free restricted market, with a limited profit, but there are too many paper companies making paper profits from a persons medical misfortune.