
Megyn Kelly Desperately Tries to Rein in Sarah Palin

Blind Frog Belly White10/18/2013 11:32:46 am PDT

re: #8 erik_t

I don’t like to laugh too hard or suggest too emphatically that (ex) politicians are stupid or drunk or high, because I think it tends to contribute to a poisonous political atmosphere.

However, Sarah Palin is either dumber than dogshit or in a more addled state of mind than Pam Geller. Possibly both.

Think about this - she wasn’t just buttonholed on a streetcorner and asked a question out of the blue.

She KNEW she was going on national TV, where she was going to be asked pretty much exactly this question, then Megyn pitched it right in the strike zone for her, and she STILL babbled like an idiot. She jammed in every talking point she could, shoehorning in the buzzwords and slogans without regard to any coherence.

That’s Sarah Palin IN HER ELEMENT, with time to prepare. And John McCain wanted her to be one 3-time cancer survivor septuagenarian’s heartbeat from the Presidency.