
Jim Jefferies Explains How Republicans Deflect Blame After a Tragedy [VIDEO]

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge10/31/2018 11:41:04 am PDT

re: #4 MsJ

JFC. These freaking people.

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This is what leaning on the XIVth Amendment leads to, instead of emphasizing the fact that birthright citizenship has been part of English Common Law for many centuries.

After the Civil War, we had a unique situation where a whole population were born here, yet according to the Dred Scott decision, were not citizens. They could have all been naturalized, but that would have been an administrative nightmare.

The Amendment overturned Dred Scott, and freed slaves became citizens. That was 150 years ago, and no one for whom the XIVth Amendment changed anything is still alive, but the law remains. It applies to everyone as it always has except for that unique group.

Talking about the XIVth Amendment or Wong Kim Ark is just handing the xenophobes what they want, some unique decision that can be repudiated, so that centuries of Common Law will go away. It won’t.