
Seth Meyers: GOP Senators Suddenly Want to "Move On" From Trump's Second Impeachment Trial

Targetpractice2/08/2021 9:42:38 pm PST

re: #10 Eclectic Cyborg

Here’s the synopsis of Shapiro’s novel from the Amazon listing:

America is coming apart. An illegal immigration crisis has broken out along America’s Southern border—there are race riots in Detroit—a fiery female rancher-turned-militia leader has vowed revenge on the president for his arrogant policies—and the world’s most notorious terrorist is planning a massive attack that could destroy the United States as we know it. Meanwhile the President is too consumed by legacy-seeking to see our country’s deep peril.

Brett Hawthorne is the youngest general in the United States Army—and he’s stuck, alone, behind enemy lines in Afghanistan. He’s the last lost soldier of a failed war, fighting to stay alive and make it back home—but will he be able to stop the collapse of America in time?

I’ve read amateur zombie apocalypse novels that had more plausible plots.