
More Stunning New Music From Danny Elfman: "Sorry" (Official Video)

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷3/02/2021 10:38:30 pm PST


I am back from Cheyenne. My hand is a mess (behind the hide bar)

In two weeks I’ve had my hand rewrapped five times, because it’s still bleeding (though that has finally slowed somewhat).

it also ripped open about an inch, gaping about half an inch wide, in which has set in an infection.

I spent about ninety minutes in the hospital clinic while they cleaned it out. They then gave me prescriptions for more pain meds and a new one for antibiotics.

The bruising is clearing up, but they are concerned about the infection. I’m told that if the red from the infection continues down my hand toward my arm, call the VA to tell them, then immediately go to my county hospital for treatment.

Today’s gourmet dine-out was Burger King (I haven’t been to a Burger King in ages) in Cheyenne, and a little Mexican restaurant in Sidney. (Neither restaurant had other people besides the staff in them, because we hit them at off-hours.)