
IPhone 3.0 Features in Detail

redc1c43/19/2009 11:06:25 am PDT

maybe i’m just a stick in the mud, but all i want from my phone is the ability to send and receive calls.

i’m not texting anyone, because it takes longer to do that than it does to dial the number and talk, plus that way the recipient gets tone, inflection, etc, to carry my true intent.

i don’t need a camera nor am i going to watch any movie, video or anything else on a tiny screen with my eyes.

i don’t want it to fold open, slide apart or anything else that makes it more delicate that it needs to be. i want something that can withstand the vicissitudes of life without failing the first time it takes a tumble, so touch screens are right out too. and the whole package has to be designed for someone like me with normal sized fingers, not have 100’s of tiny buttons so close together i heed a tool to make sure i hit the right one by itself, not it and all it’s neighbors.

IOW, i want a hand sized wireless TA-312. %-)