
Video: The Arctic Icecap is Not 'Recovering'

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/19/2009 1:23:55 pm PDT

re: #2 Ben Hur

I’m on the fence. And occasionally confused about this.

Richard Lindzen (who admittedly meant nothing to me until this morning) from MIT was written off as a kook on an earlier thread.

What makes him a kook, and not Sinclair?

Lindzen is not a complete kook. He is someone with an alternative hypothesis to some effects that we are attributing to AGW. Most of the scientific community doubts his hypothesis. He has no real evidence to support it as yet.

I personally think he is wrong based on the science and so do many thousands of others of actual scientists.

What makes him a partial kook is is willingness to continue to accept money from espoused anti AGW cook organizations and to speak at their events. He is on the borderline of going over from scientist to advocate for the bad guys.