
Angle's 'Slush Fund' Becomes 'Important First Step'

Cato the Elder7/08/2010 5:45:26 pm PDT

Sorry to go OT so soon, but I want this posted prominently.

I owe several people here a real apology.

You know who you are.

I opened my big fat yap in the middle of another horrible personality spat on an overnight thread and ended up making things a whole lot worse. And I did it without even bothering to find out what the actual skandalon was, which, it turns out, had already been deleted.

So, my deepest apology to those whom I offended. One, in particular. And also her spouse. And anyone else who was hurt by my completely unnecessary mixing it up.

The humor is not lost on me that I received my timeout for a post urging Charles to go ahead and hand out more timeouts.

I apologize to him, too.