
Maddow on Fox News and Shirley Sherrod, Part 2

Targetpractice7/21/2010 9:25:58 pm PDT

And now, of course, Faux will do one of two things:

- Drop the story like it’s hot and claim that anybody who keeps calling them on their part are “unable to let go.” That anybody calling on them to admit they pushed a bogus story is trying to ignore the latest “outrageous outrage” and no doubt it being pushed by the White House to take attention off a “very real problem.”

- Get “outraged” that people don’t see that they are just as much “victims” as the NAACP and USDA were for being duped by such a devious con-man. Who is this man capable of fooling such a bastion of forthrightness and journalistic integrity? We don’t know, but we’re sure that he’s an evil, hateful man…in the Obama Administration.