
Rand Paul Defends BP Again

Nyet11/14/2010 11:09:07 am PST


Hello, Lizards! Greetings from Russia. Just registered and this is one of my first comments here. But I’ve been reading the site regularly for some time.

Truth be told, I’m one of those liberals (socially liberal, fiscally somewhat more to the left, but the social component is more important for me) who wouldn’t find many kind words to say about LGF before 2009. One of the things that irritated me about LGF-type blogs back then was that while the research exposing Islamists is a good thing, these blogs never seemed to be consistent enough to critique the similar tendencies among the conservatives.

And in 2009 Charles began to do just that. With a vengeance! For this he was slimed and “excommunicated”. So back then I supported Charles against racist idiot Robert Stacy McCain (and had a honor of being cited by Charles here).

My interests intersect with this blog’s - I’m interested in political and religious extremists of all sorts; American politics (because Russian politics is more or less in a coma); creation/evolution “controversy”, but currently primarily in the history of Hitler’s and Stalin’s terror, especially in the attempts to whitewash and revise the said history.