
Boycott of Arizona Has Cost the State More Than $140M

BlarneyStone11/19/2010 12:08:10 pm PST

Mainstream Republicans will be fundraising/celebrating Arizona’s immigration law this weekend at David Horowitz’s unironically named Freedom Center. Even if you felt the the law was a justified restriction on freedom (it’s not), you’d have to admit that it restricts freedom. Last year they had Geert Wilders.

Restoration Weekend Confirmed speakers:

Arizona State Senators Russell Pearce and Thayer Verschoor,
John Yoo and Marc Thiessen
Newt Gingrich
Robert Spencer
Pastor John Hagee
Liz Cheney
Michele Bachmann
JPost editor/Netanyahu aide Caroline Glick (wtf?)

So they can “restore” America to whatever it was, I guess.

Also, the alignment of right-wing Israelis with the evangelist American second-coming crowd is completely and totally insane. A Hagee quote: In his book Jerusalem Countdown, Hagee claims that Adolf Hitler was born from a lineage of “accursed, genocidally murderous half-breed Jews.”