
The Rapidly Escalating GOP War on Science

Kragar12/02/2010 10:00:23 am PST

And now, an informational announcement

Subject: WikiLeaks

The recent publication of classified documents by WikiLeaks is cause for an important reminder that personnel, whether or not they hold a U.S. Government clearance of any sort, should not access the WikiLeaks website to view or download information. Doing so may introduce potentially classified information onto unclassified networks or onto personally owned devices. Rumors that the information is no longer classified because it now resides in the public domain are NOT true. Executive Order 13526, Section 1.1(4)(c) states “Classified Information shall not be declassified automatically as a result of any unauthorized disclosure of identical or similar information.”

The information published via WikiLeaks has not been declassified by an appropriate authority and requires ongoing classification until it is reviewed by the Original Classification Authorities (OCAs). The OCA for any given classified information must make a determination whether or not any of the material has been declassified, must conduct damage assessments, and must make a determination regarding continued classification.