
Glenn Beck freaks out about Media Matters calling out his lies

BigPapa3/24/2011 2:16:48 pm PDT

re: #11 Buck

It is funny, but when O’Keefe says he is using the persons own words, you are the first to shout “Edited video”, and “Biased”.

MM actually does that everyday. Editing and quoting out of context the “persons own words”.

The only difference is that you give the NPR guy, or the ACORN person the benefit of the doubt.

Equivalence between O’Keefe and MM is digging a deeper hole. MM does not misquote out of context like O’Keefe and Beck do, they merely play unedited segments of Beck’s programming. O’Keefe/Beck and MM are not two sides of the same coin, to assume as much is a serious error.

‘Everyone’ at MM is employed to review all media bias, not just Glenn Beck. Beck imagined it was mostly all about him and you made the same assumption as well. He also made the error that ‘it takes more work to tell the truth than it does to spread lies.’ It’s the exact opposite: it’s easier to spread lies and misinformation than it is to retort them with truth. The campaign to deny AGW is the most relevant example.