
Proof Photos Weren't Taken In Weiner's Congressional Office

Buck6/09/2011 9:04:20 pm PDT

I think you would care if someone sent you an unsolicited crotch shot…

Kirsten Powers, a liberal and former girlfriend of Anthony Weiner said it really well:

there is the issue of his attitude toward women. What has emerged is a picture of a predator trolling the Internet for women—some half his age—with which to engage in cybersex. We know only about the women who were responsive to his overtures. The odds are very high that he struck out with many, and other women were victim to his unsolicited sex talk. Women should be able to “friend” a married—or unmarried—congressman on Facebook or follow him on Twitter without fear of being the recipient of lewd talk or behavior. Just because a woman “likes” your video on Facebook doesn’t mean you can send her a picture of your penis. This is textbook sexual harassment. It may not be illegal, but it’s definitely unethical.