
Pamela Geller's Anti-Muslim Circus in Full Nuclear Meltdown

What, me worry?7/01/2011 12:14:01 pm PDT

I think she’s mentally deranged.

All of this has been about HER. Not what’s right, not what’s good for the Jewish people, not what’s good for humanity. It’s always been about getting her name and face in front of the cameras.

It’s difficult to feel any sympathy for Geller’s predicament, when she and her crony Robert Spencer have been lying, smearing, and ridiculing me for years…

and you shouldn’t.

These two have been on a mission to destroy my reputation, so I feel a bit of schadenfruede at seeing them the targets of exactly the same kind of hatred and dishonesty from their fellow travelers that they’ve been directing at me.

Right behind ya, buddy.

Wasn’t the Hitler/LGF video hers?