
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars) Bails on Donald Trump

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus12/08/2011 7:28:58 pm PST

Recommend reading that whole article. More from the article:


“Newt Gingrich is playing out a personal agenda in a public forum, and it threatens the safety, health, and security of our most vulnerable people,” says Mary Kahn. “And that’s what frightens me about him. Someday he might be president.” Kahn, a reporter who covered Newt in the mid-70s, also spent time with him socially until the early 80s as the wife of Chip Kahn, Gingrich’s former campaign manager.

The personal agenda of which Mary Kahn speaks is deeper that any philosophical or material odyssey. As the Speaker himself said, “I found a way to immerse my insecurities in a cause large enough to justify whatever I wanted it to.” Inspired by the books and movies that have been his guides, Newt Gingrich has created a revolution, a mighty quest, and cast himself as hero, the John Wayne who rescues the nation from economic self-destruction and moral chaos. His childhood —shaped by the rejection by not just one but two fathers, and the manic-depressive illness of his mother— created a psychic need so great that only the praise that attends a savior can fill the vacuum inside him. He drives himself monomaniacally, obsessed only with his goal. No amount of personal deprivation —100-hour workweeks, no vacations, no time with his wife— diminishes his narcissistic vision of the global glory that will ultimately be his prize. […]

This need to be a savior will brush off whatever Donaldisms are thrown his way.