
Mitt Romney Says All Muslims Aren't Violent Terrorists, Pamela Geller Freaks Right Out

austin_blue12/09/2011 7:54:48 pm PST

re: #1 thedopefishlives

Anybody care for some popcorn? I have a feeling this is going to be an entertaining spectacle.

Mittens is now playing to the Indies and Mods. Interesting. I thought he would continue to throw red meat to The Base until the spring. I suspect he realizes that The Base will never support him (because he’s a cultist and an Obamacare creator) and that the only way to get the nom is to gallop to the center right, where slightly more sane people exist.

Damn. And I *so* wanted Newt to do well. But let’s see how it plays. Let’s see how crazy the R’s have really become. Will they really torpedo the *only* candidate they have who could *possibly* beat Obama?