
Ron Paul Denies Writing Letter On 'Coming Race War'

Olsonist12/23/2011 10:12:31 am PST

So boys and girls, what have we learned from this Ron Paul thing?

This meltdown is going to be fun. Yes, we already knew that but watching these guys faceplant never loses its comic appeal.

The news media doesn’t do its job. It doesn’t do its job until the opposition research hands it to them on a silver platter. Do you really think Gloria Borger did any research? CNN? No. Mitt’s oppo team had this in their back pocket for quite some time and sprung it at the moment of maximum benefit. The modern media has become just a stenography pool.

Paulians are a cult. Remember when the Sandusky/Paterno scandal broke? Students rioted not against but in favor of a couple of criminals because they’re good at football. Paulians are digging in as well.