
Plantation America

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)6/30/2012 10:04:39 pm PDT

re: #10 Dark_Falcon

Moreover, I’d argue that the ‘Yankee’ areas of the Northeast had become weak in heart after World War II, no longer willing to do what was needed to maintain America’s independence against the Soviet threat.

Fuck you for impugning the patriotism of an entire region, including my grandfather in the Merchant Marine.

The northeast also stopped taking effective action to try to uplift the poor, and instituted a massive but poorly designed welfare expansion that ballooned both the government and the national debt while making the poverty that still existed worse by fostering the growth of illegitimacy.

The welfare expansion did not foster the growth of illegitimacy, and I have no clue where this goddamn idea got started from. It’s an article of faith, apparently, and it’s a really fucking misogynistic one, too.

Lastly, but especially damningly, far too many northeastern elites turned against the idea of keeping order, thus condemning the poor and middle class (and sometimes even the rich) to suffer under an onslaught of crime.

No fucking clue what this is about, either.

Dark, this sounds like something I could have read on Free Republic. It condemns with a broad brush, makes bald assertions without even the shred of proof, and is misogynistic as hell.

Think about why the fuck you said this dumb shit. My respect for you just dropped significantly.