
Palin, Suddenly Concerned About 'Black Americans,' Suggests Obama Should Drop Biden for Hillary

funky chicken8/16/2012 1:29:24 pm PDT

I just put this on a page; saw it over at TPM. I think Claire McCaskill just won re-election, when she was down almost 10% at one point. The tea party nuts nominated Rep. Akin, who had this genius proposal today:

U.S. Rep. Todd Akin, the Republican candidate, told reporters at the Missouri State Fair that he opposes federal spending for the National School Lunch Program, which provides cash and surplus food for nearly 650,000 school lunches in Missouri each day.

“Is it something the federal government should do?” Akin said. “I answer it no…I think the federal government should be out of the education business.”

Akin made the statement outside the 60th annual Governor’s Ham Breakfast at the fair and on the week many students are heading back to the classroom. The big-tent, early-morning gathering is a chance for candidates of both parties to shake hands, distribute literature, and profess support for the state’s farmers and ranchers.

Read more here:

I wonder if Rep. Akin realizes he lives in a farm state? And remember the nonsense from Boehner about drought relief, boo hoo?

This week, the government said it would purchase meat and fish worth $170 million to help farmers stricken by the drought. Some of those chops and filets will find their way into school lunches.

I recommend the whole article. Honestly, I think this dude just lost this election.