
Mitt Romney's New Ad Shamelessly Lies About Non-Existent "Apology Tour"

Mattand10/23/2012 11:14:29 am PDT

re: #9 Charles Johnson

This ad really is stunning. Romney has been called out on this lie by every single media fact-checker. It’s utterly false. Simply did not happen. A complete fantasy.

And here he is, peddling it again.

And you know why he’s doing it: because it works.

Ming’s comment above mine pretty much covers everything I was going to say. Romney can say anything he wants because at the end of the day, most of the people who vote for him tend to be reality challenged.

I was having lunch with my dad today at his favorite watering hole, and one of his buddies made the comment that Romney has the coal miner vote locked up because Obama wants to get rid of coal. Nothing is further from the truth, but many Romeny supporters seem to latch on to some scrap of an idea and run with it; facts be damned.

Even some of the more informed Romney supporters on this board tend to hew to this example. The campaign knows it can lay a load of bull-Mitt all over the airwaves, thanks to most voters’ aversion to facts.